Becoming Community Empowerment Motivators in Remote Areas.

Motivator Community Development Foundation
Motivator Community Development Foundation

The Challenges and Dedication of Motivators.

Becoming a Motivator for the Toraja Church Kondoran requires unwavering dedication. These young individuals undergo intensive six-month training, equipping them with skills to develop and organize communities in remote areas. With a spirit of service, they are willing to be placed in isolated villages, far from urban comforts, to become agents of positive change.

As Motivators, their mission is to empower local residents, sharing knowledge and inspiring them to build themselves and their environment. Overcoming challenges with resilience, these dedicated Motivators work tirelessly to realize the dream of better community development across the nation’s most secluded regions.

Uniting Efforts for Sustainable Development and Climate Resilience.

Through strategic partnerships with various international organizations, we implement programs aimed at achieving sustainable community development and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change. With an integrated approach, we combine efforts such as economic empowerment, organic agriculture, disaster management, and environmental conservation.


Sustainable Community Development with a Focus on Peacebuilding.

This program aims to build sustainable communities with a focus on social reconciliation and organic agriculture. Key activities include conflict management training, organic farming, and family financial management.


Pilot Project on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction.

This program enhances community capacity in carrying out climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as disaster risk reduction. Main activities include diversification of farmers’ income sources, risk assessment, and climate-resilient agriculture training.


Climate Resilience Agriculture Investigation Innovative Project.

This program improves farmers’ ability to conduct agricultural research according to scientific standards, preparing them to face the threat of climate change to their agricultural practices. Key activities include collaborative research with universities and farmer groups.

Motivator Community Development Foundation

Community Initiatives in Addressing Climate Change.

Climate Field Schools (CFS) are a flagship program that facilitates farmers to learn, experiment, and develop adaptive solutions to climate change by combining local wisdom and scientific knowledge.

From our blog.

Through compelling narratives and firsthand accounts, visitors can gain insights into the grassroots initiatives, from climate-smart agriculture and resource management to disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts, undertaken by these communities to safeguard their livelihoods and environment.

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29 November 2022

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